Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

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1 Course

1 Subject

Module 5 DQ (2)

Module 5 DQ (2)

Q • Paragraph 1: Link to two articles about corporate social responsibility — look for articles supporting or critiquing Friedman's view or articles that seem to offer unique thoughts on the subject. • Paragraphs 2-4: Next, write an at least three-paragraph summary of your thoughts about Friedman's view and the article authors' comments that you just read. Reference the articles to support your summary (you do not need to cite articles according to APA format for this discussion).

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In context to, Friedman's view on “Social responsibility of business” I would individually state that social responsibility of business is all about using various resources and involve into certain activities that has been specifically designed to amplify the range of profits as long as it says under the rules of the game that is to stay involve into some exposed and autonomous competition without experiencing any deception or fraudulent activities. Friedman argued over direct custom of capitalism as well as against any other activities that misleads economic freedom as well. In context to this, I would like to mention that socially responsible activities particularly the ones that are being performed by an organization as per Friedman actually does nothing other than misrepresenting commercial autonomy just because the shareholders are always not able to take up perfect decision on how they should make expenses (Friedman, 2019).